Met Gerald for first shepherding session after the change. He said quite a lot of things but one thing that stuck was about approaching people, ministry, studies etc with a fresh mind and heart. When he mentioned the word 'Fresh', I could feel my eyes light up. There's something about the word. It's like bright. New. Green. Fragrant. Abundance. Won't it be great if I can approach everything with this freshness. Won't it be great if I approached every single day like this. He asked me about how I felt about the changes in WAM after all these years and shared with me the importance of approaching service to God with a fresh heart and mind. The bible tells us God's mercies are new every morning. This is the first thought that comes to mind when I think about the word 'Fresh'. How can I approach everything with a fresh heart and mind? How can I be present at every moment? Sometimes my body is here but mind and heart are somewhere else. Wondering, not daydreaming but perhaps worrying about things.
Speaking about approaching things with a fresh heart and mind, lately I've realized that the momentum in studies have drastically retarded. Perhaps it's because it's my last sem. Perhaps I just don't like the subject. I don't know. I have 2 assignments left to hand in before the last 3 papers in my academic pursuit. There's a kinda want to start work and don't want to start work kinda feeling going on within me. I'm workin on an assignment right now (ok maybe not right now cos i'm blogging!) to be handed in tomorrrow. I pray that God gives me a fresh perspective.
Anyway, check out this cute little boy. I told his dad he's got a cute son. His dad said "What to do? Like father like son." Haha -_-"

O anyway I can't get the song, 'Yours' outta my head. Steven Curtis' new album out on October 23rd. Check his site out for the vdo if you can't wait. Awesome. One of my favorite contemporary Christian artistes.
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