Things Could Have Been Very Different
:) I just woke from a nap. So tired man. Had a crazy week. Monday was practice, Tuesday was full dress rehearsal, Wednesday I did packing of equipment, Thursday I did editing of an hour long walk in soundtrack and more packing in the evening then shifting the equipment down to expo, Friday was setup and full dress rehearsal then Saturday was anniversary itself then it was pack up. After anniversary, a crazy someone booked soccer at THE CAGE from 10pm to 1am. Sunday was care group. We had a pig out at Dragon’s Gate Restaurant followed by sports at Sentosa. Told myself Monday I must start on my assignments. As you can see, I didn’t do much. It was an idealistic goal. Too idealistic. So after lunch at Tampines, I decided to just head home and sleep rather than go to Hendra’s house to ask him questions about an assignment.
I always feel very good after a nap. I can almost see myself smiling from ear to ear after a nice nap. I love my room, on the air con, pull down the blinds, hide under the comforters and I’m well on my way to dream land. I’m ready to start on my assignment after dinner.
I’m glad at how the anniversary turned out. The stage monitors for certain musicians didn’t work out very well but it’s not too bad because I know I did my best. Hope to have better equipment from the rental company come the next big event. Ooo…Mom is calling me to eat dinner, will continue later.
Wa exciting exciting! God can work in ways we never expect. You see I use to be worried about my parents commitment in church but in the recent months have been quite at ease with their growth. I think Chandra, their care leader has done a great job. Tamar’s parents are also in the care group. Man, their CG is exciting. They all love karaoke and ever since my dad and mom joined the care group it seems the care group has become very crazy about dance as well. My parents love their care group and look forward to attending every week. Tamar asked me, “Do your parents dance in the living room in the evenings?” Ha, that’s all too familiar a sight. Her parents are starting to do that too. How interesting and highly entertaining. Anyway, for a couple of years now, a lady by the name of Evelyn has been observing my parents at the Raffles Town Club on Friday or Saturday nights dancing. Anyway, to cut the long story short cause I can’t really remember the details, Evelyn is Veron’s mom. Due to STM, I can’t remember how they got acquainted. I think Aunty Evelyn recognized them when she visited hope or something. She likes dance too, that’s why according to Veron they caught her eye. She claims my parents are really good at dance. Veron tells me my mom is very sexy when she dances. Wa, tell you, I can die when I hear that. Please spare me the details. Since my parents’ care group so into dance, one of the senior members of the CG has decided to invite a professional to teach the care group together. My dad was telling me Chandra reminded them not to cha cha in worship hahahaha, damn funny. Ooo…I’m drifting away again, anyway, that’s a great outreach possibility for them since in anniversary we tried to get Aunty Evelyn and my parents to sit together. Aunty Evelyn has been attending church for sometime now but has not converted. She’s become a seeker recently and I believe with a fun community to meet her needs, she’s just at the brink of receiving salvation. The thought of it really excited 3 of us as we discussed the possibilities over the dinner table. This Sunday they will get her to sit with them in service. So exciting! Praise You God!!! I pray for Eugene’s parents as well.
Anniversary has been very tiring but highly meaningful for me. When I have seen the lives of the people around me change, I know God is doing a real work in the church. It’s not just doing church, indeed God is really working in the lives of all our members. I feel very touched when I see Davin, Eugene and Seng on stage. These 3 are my sheep. Knowing their background and how far they’ve come really puts a certain sweetness and purpose into celebrating anniversary. There are times when I feel like giving up, but these are the times where I can gladly say at the end of the day, it’s all worth it. Making our lives count together with a movement and a family that means business. Reading the testimonies of people I’ve seen in church before but are now overseas planting churches really excites and encourages my heart. This is our purpose, only one life and soon will pass, only what’s done for Christ will last.
My own life has been very changed and molded by God and this family in church. I remember August 30th, 1997. I was Secondary 3 studying in ACS (Barker). That year was particularly strange because my parents forgot my birthday. They make it a point every year to celebrate my birthday. On that day, since I had no celebration I decided to attend church with a friend who invited me. The CL (Priscilla Tan Swan Sim) celebrated my birthday for me though I hardly knew her. First thought that struck me was “Who are these crazy people?” I told myself, “Ok, after this cake, I’m not coming back.” But it was too heartless a thing to do. So I decided to attend 2 more weeks. 2 more weeks became months as I was so quickly mobilized to serve God. Through serving God together with a great bunch of people who truly love God and the church, I saw that something must be different, God must be real. So I stayed on to discover. After all, I did leave my previous church because no one seemed interested to learn about the bible. Hmm..I think that was an excuse. But nevermind… God was kind to me and relocated me to another family who was truly hungry for the word and serious about the great commission. Back then it was the people who captured my heart, as I grow more and more each year I can say that my burden for the great commission has grown. I want my life to count.
Things could have been very different because in Sec 3, I started to hang out with a bunch of friends who weren’t exactly the best kind of company. I soon picked up smoking and really stopped paying attention in class. We hung out together often, playing soccer together, going out etc. It reached a point where I hated my life. I just hated it because I saw no meaning. I saw no meaning in studies, I saw no meaning even in waking up. On weekends I’d sleep till about 3pm in the afternoon before reluctantly dragging myself up from bed.
Today, I can say that God has changed my mind by His word. By giving me an environment to grow, by giving me a purpose and a family. I’ve been sharing to many about my good results in my assignments lately. Was evaluating myself, am I becoming proud? I don’t think so. On the contrary, I’d say it’s really God who deserves the glory. I work hard so that I can present a consistent Christ follower to my friends and not have to be afraid to tell them I’m a Christian. Good results are merely a reflection of the attitudes God has changed in me.
Tony (Current shepherd) and Priscilla (First shepherd) are the people who’ve really inspired me to shine in the area of my studies. So I’d like to say a big thank you to both of you! Inspiring!
At this point, I’d also like to thank all of my previous shepherds for teaching me and being patient with me. :)
Anyway, anniversary was a blast! I finally got to meet the Yamaha PM5D. Heard it costs 300K. Wonder if the info I got is accurate. Cos 300K can buy HDB liao.
Mixing on the board is like meeting a Yeti. A certain sense of awe overwhelmed me. You also wonder when you will get to meet it again. I took a picture with the evasive creature. Will post it up when I get it.
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